
Future of the Health Campus


25th May Public Exhibtion

Following our most recent public exhibition where we shared the final proposed designs for the Weybridge Health campus, we now would like your feedback as we finalise our planning application.

We have included the final proposed designs on this page alongside questions where you can provide your feedback.

Please ensure you complete this feedback form no later than Friday 16th June, you can also e-mail your comments to UKPlanningComment@wsp.com.

The information provided will only be for the purposes of this pre-application consultation exercise. 


Existing Site and Surroundings

The site is located within the town centre of Weybridge. It is in close proximity to shops and community facilities.

Whilst the main area of the site is not located within the Weybridge Town Centre Conservation Area, there is a need for the design to be consistent with the local vernacular - however the design should not be pastiche. There should be a strong external design which brings together the local aesthetic and NHS principles.

Site plan outlining proximity to existing Conservation Area

Site Masterplan



Community Consultation

Executive Summary

The key benefits of the proposal will be as follows:

  • New permanent premises for the Rowan Tree and Church Street GP practices;
  • Sufficient level of car parking as well as the promotion of sustainable travel methods through cycle strorage spaces and electric car charging points.
  • Provision of public realm on Church Street that will allow shoppers and residents to connect with the town center and interact with the High Street.
  • The proposals will incorporate a comprehensive landscape scheme with different areas designed for staff, patients and their families.
  • The NHS are committed to delivering, and where possible, exceeding 10% biodiversity net gain on the site; and
  • Integrate sustainable technologies into the building including air and ground-source heat pumps, solar PV panels, and SuDs.

The PDF accessed below shows some of the feedback that was received following previous exhibitions.

Check out the following documents

Weybetter Weybridge Summary Report 19.07.22_8 (002).pdf
Weybetter Weybridge Summary Report 19.07.22_8 (002).pdf

The Proposal

The new health campus is to be located in the north-west, similarly to the previous health centre, with the new parking layout located in the east part of the site.

The remainder of the site is to be used for landscaping and parking.

  • 110 car parking spaces in total (including 7 accessible car parking spaces and 12 car parking spaces allocated to the Urgent Care Hub).
  • 26 cycle parking spaces
  • Loading bay
  • Location of mobile diagnostic truck

Site plan height heatmap

Birds eye view of the site 


Proposed Layout

Ground Floor and First Floor

The key driver during the process of developing the layout of the building has been the Patient journey and experience where a clear journey through the building is of high importance. The main entrance and connection hub includes an atrium with a roof light above to create a bright and open space with clear directions on where the connecting spaces lead to.

The second driver has been a rational and flexible layout set on a repeating grid to create all the necessary clinical rooms with provision of daylight.


Proposed Services


Primary and community healthcare services will be delivered from the new Weybridge Health Campus, including Primary Care Network local services.

Church Street Practice has a current list size of approximately 14,300, whilst Rowan Tree Practice has a current list of approximately 15,500.

In designing the building, significant thought has been given to manage increasing future demand, in terms of space allocation, internal design and clinical and patient environment.


The creation of Integrated Care Systems, presents an opportunity for primary care, acute, secondary, mental health, social care and other services to come together and work across a system that is designed around population health need, supplemented by Local Authority services as appropriate.

First floor

 First floor

Ground floor

Ground floor



Design Development

Indicative new main entrance and secondary entrance
Former Weybridge Health Centre

Indicative view approaching the main entrance



Indicative view from Church Street

Indicative view from Minorca Road/Weybridge Hall



Masterplan and Phasing Strategy


As part of the design strategy for the site it was important for the NHS that there would be a level of continuity in terms of provision of health services, specifically in terms of retaining the GP Practices on-site, whilst the new health centre is under construction. Phasing was an important consideration in developing the indicative layouts.

Phase 0 - Existing

Temporary Health Centre currently operating on the site.

Remainder of the site utliised as a car park.

Phase 1 - Construction Stage 1

Temporary Hospital to remain in use with access maintained and partial car parking.

West side of site to be used for New Health Centre.

Phase 2 - Construction Stage 2

Once New Health Centre is complete and operational, temporary centre to be removed to allow additional car and cycle parking to be reinstated.

Parking to be provided for the Health Campus.

Two access points to the site reinstated.


A Sustainable New Health Campus/Key Local Considerations


The NHS Property Services Green Plan outlines how they improve in the following areas:

  • Increased resilience of the NHSPS estate to manage climate change
  • More resources to channel into patient care
  • Better use of our data for estate management
  • Improved workforce engagement on climate change
  • Assurance for stakeholders creating confidence in our environmental stewardship
  • Greater customer satisfaction
  • Reduction in our environmental impact
  • Conserving, protecting and enhancing our estate biodiversity
  • Reaching overall NHSPS sustainability goals


At JRA, sustainability has been part of our DNA for the last 20+ years.

We aim for our projects to:

  • Create healthy environments for individuals and businesses through a design led approach
  • Actively seek out opportunities for making positive contributions to the circular economy through smart material choices and procurement strategies
  • Have the potential to be Net Carbon Zero
  • Mitigate climate change impacts, wherever possible


The proposal is for a brick building with colour that is appropriately chosen to reflect the local buildings as set out below.

54 Church Street, KT13 8DP

The building is deemed to bring together all of the key characteristics of Weybridge, and is therefore seen as a strong reference to the design language within the Health Campus.

  • The windows are set back from the façade and there is a wide windowsill to the bottom of the window to provide structure and weight to the window.
  • The lintel over the window is brick but has two different stacked layers.
  • The parapet is of importance with the stream course helping to articulate the façade.

28 Church Street, KT13 8DP

The present version of the Weybridge Hall was built in 1920 (during the same period as the original Weybridge Hospital) as a cinema for the locality. It is situated at the entrance of Weybridge and given the façade, reflected the aspiration and status of the town.

  • The windows provide a sense of the scale the building as they are set back and of different sizes.
  • The bay windows provide a further point of interest.
  • The brick stream provides further interest and detailing.
  • They are three courses of brick detailing through the façade, which again breaks up flat panes, providing the illusion of varying depth.

Landscape Proposal

Inclusive Design

The design approach will create a welcoming, accessible and inclusive environment for all. Sensory and spatial qualities and materiality will be considered and a variety of seating types.

Emphasis on Pedestrian Space

A direct primary footpath is provided to the front entrance, given an intuitively legible route along the main 'desire line' defined by planting and paving.

Entrance Space

New trees, sensory planting and seats meet the need of a space near the entrance, where people can wait for patients and pause for respite outdoors. Planting will integrate resilient mixes of flower-rich species, with practical maintenance requirements.

Climate Adaptation and Biodiversity

The planting integrates tree canopy offering comfortable shade, rain gardens and permeable surfaces reducing rainwater run-off. Trees, shrubs and hedges will be integrated, including native plants which offer wildlife benefits.

Landscape Proposal

Therapeutic Spaces with Views out to Planting

The landscape proposals aim to create a harmonious connection between internal and external spaces. Designs will integrate plants with specific qualities including softly-textured foliage, offering dappled light, privacy and a sense of calm respite.

The Role of Nature

Planting design will be guided by research into the role of nature in recovery and healing, including the sensory qualities of living plants, seasonal foliage, scents, textures and movement.


Each boundary will be considered carefully, to define needs for privacy, security and visibility between residential and communal spaces in the hospital site. An emphasis on planting where possible will offer visual and environmental benefits, including plants with seasonal colours, flowers and stems.



Thank you for taking the time to look at our latest design proposals and provide your feedback.  Your views are important to us and will be considered as we finalise our planning application.

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
